We Welcome Visitors and New Members
We are a mission-driven organization. Our mission is to share the enjoyment of photography and satisfy the creative instincts of our members through fellowship, inclusion, support, and outreach. Good governance is maintained under the club’s constitution and bylaws.
Benefits of Membership
Explore photography, expand your portfolio, master photo editing, and network with photographers.
Perfect your skills through training and presentations by knowledgeable, experienced photographers.
- Zoom meetings include presentations from members, peers, or nationally recognized and award-winning photographers. If you can’t attend a meeting, check out the recording later.
- Training topics are continuously updated. Check the Events page for upcoming topics.
- Recordings of presentations and critiques since 2020 are available to members only.
- Our members can participate for free in the programs of some other clubs through reciprocal agreements.
- Learn about the latest gear, software, and innovation as photography evolves.
- We offer field trips with experienced mentors and peers.
- You will find peers and a friendly environment if you are a novice.
See how your photos stack up through critique and competition.
- We have photo critiques and competitions with local and national judges or judged by members most months.
- Our tiered annual competition allows the work of all abilities to be recognized.
- Photos in critiques and competitions are shown without the photographer’s name.
Exhibit your photographs
- Our active website showcases photos submitted by members.
- We respect that photographers hold the copyright to their photos and only show them when we have permission.
- Your framed photos may be included in club exhibits in local galleries and other venues.
- Members can post photos in our Facebook group.
Upgrade your gear and sell your used gear
- Updates on new gear and software are presented at our regular meetings.
- The club is a good place to buy, sell, trade gear, or get recommendations.
Connect with other photographers
- We are a friendly community of more than 60 photography-minded individuals, from novices to nationally recognized award winners.
- Our photographers interact one-on-one to answer questions and solve problems.
For additional information.
Please email us at chccmessage@gmail.com.
Membership dues are payable in September of each year and are $30 for Competing and Associate members and $15 for Student members.
Make payment by navigating in the menu to "Organization", "PayPal Buttons", select your membership type on the dropdown menu and click "Pay Now".
You may also mail a check payable to the Chapel Hill Camera Club to the address below.
Chapel Hill Camera Club
P. O. Box 993
Carrboro, NC 27510
Please mark payments as “club dues” and include your name.
Create an Account
If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account
and request membership in this organization.
If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization,
login with your account and use the menu "My Account",
"Organizations" to request
membership in this organization.
That page will also provide links to other organizations.
If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event,
you do not need to request membership.
If you have an existing account with any organization using the
Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account.
If you do not have an account and do not need membership,
use the button below to create a Guest account.