Where photographers of all skill levels meet

Founded in 1978, the club focuses on learning through sharing, where photo enthusiasts help each other become better photographers through cooperation, education, and good fellowship. Members are interested in improving photographic skills, broadening horizons, developing new abilities, and exploring alternatives in the ever-changing and exciting field of photography.

Join our monthly programs to expand your photographic knowledge and satisfy your creative instincts by checking the Calendar page.


Currently, we are holding our regular meetings remotely. Our meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 7 t0 9 PM, via Zoom. We hold meetings on the first and third Tuesdays as needed, We also meet in-person quarterly.

We hold our live meetings at:

Seymour Center
2551 Homestead Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

 How to Join

If you want to join us, click on the "Membership Information" button in the "Organization" menu then scroll down to the "Create an Account" dialogue box and click on the "Create New User Account and Request Membership" button. Be sure to click the "Continue" button when you've completed the form.

Club Dues

Annual dues are $30 per member payable in September of each year year. Send payment using the  PayPal Buttons in the Organization Menu. 

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